Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
 | Ziphoenix

ZiphCRM is an excellent project management and CRM software that enhances productivity and customer satisfaction. With this comprehensive tool, you can effortlessly manage your projects, clients, teams, and much more all in one place. It provides everything you need to effectively run your business!

At ZiphCRM, our utmost commitment lies in providing our customers with an exceptional experience. We value and take into account the feedback of thousands of users, continuously updating our software to cater to their evolving needs. This dedication has resulted in the development of a stunning, user-friendly, and highly flexible platform that can be effortlessly installed on your own server.

By utilizing ZiphCRM, you can leverage the latest features and enhancements to boost productivity and streamline your workflow. Additionally, downloading the complete source code empowers you to customize the platform according to your unique requirements.

With confidence, we assure you that ZiphCRM will surpass your expectations and aid you in achieving your goals.



ZiphCRM allows you to add unlimited projects and tasks, assign them to your team members, and track the time spent on each task. You can easily send invoices to your customers and set up project milestones to ensure you meet all deadlines. With auto-calculated project progression, you'll have complete visibility over your team's progress. Plus, the collaboration features enable you to work closely with your team members and receive valuable feedback from clients.


You can easily track your team's progress and stay on top of project deadlines with ZiphCRM. Assign tasks to your team members and monitor their statuses in real-time. Team members can comment on tasks, attach files, and mention other users to send instant notifications. You can create multiple tasks and clone similar ones for faster project management. Additionally, you can add checklists and labels for better organization and understanding of tasks. With ZiphCRM, you'll have complete control over your team's workflow, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

Recurring tasks

Create recurring tasks automatically on your scheduled days with ZiphCRM. If you need to perform the same kinds of tasks at regular intervals, you can set up recurring tasks. You have the flexibility to set the time duration as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly to create these tasks and streamline your workflow.

Estimate requests

Create estimate request forms according to your services and receive estimate requests from leads and customers. ZiphCRM helps you get more projects and find potential clients by facilitating easy and efficient estimate requests.


Send estimates to your clients based on their estimate requests or the services you provide. With ZiphCRM, you can send estimate emails with PDF attachments and obtain approval from your clients. You can seamlessly convert estimates into projects and invoices, streamlining the entire process.


Add custom invoices and send emails with attached invoice PDFs to your clients using ZiphCRM. It supports different currencies for different clients, allowing you to cater to a global clientele. You can easily manage and filter records of your invoices based on different statuses. ZiphCRM also enables you to set multiple taxes in the invoices, change the invoice color and logo to match your brand, and customize the footer in the PDF for additional information.

Recurring invoices

Set up recurring invoices in ZiphCRM to automatically generate monthly, yearly, or different time period invoices. This feature saves you time and effort by sending invoices automatically, reducing manual work and improving efficiency.


ZiphCRM supports online payments via Stripe, PayPal, and Paytm, providing convenient options for your clients to make payments. You can enable or disable the partial payment option and receive payment confirmation notifications. ZiphCRM also automatically marks the invoice as paid, streamlining the payment process.


Send visually appealing proposals to your customers and leads with ZiphCRM to secure more work. Professional and well-designed proposals can help you make a strong impression and win more projects.


Streamline your work process by creating contracts with your customers using ZiphCRM. By having clear agreements and terms in place, you can ensure a hassle-free work environment and avoid misunderstandings or disputes.


Manage your customers and their contacts effectively with ZiphCRM. You can register customers or add them manually, and access detailed information about their contacts, projects, invoices, payments, estimates, estimate requests, support tickets, essential files, events, and notes. ZiphCRM also offers a client portal, allowing your clients to access their individual dashboards to view their projects, invoices, and other relevant information. You can set permissions to limit their access and enable them to follow up on projects and provide feedback instantly.

Chat with customers

Communicate with your clients efficiently through messages and chat within ZiphCRM. You can set permissions to determine which team members can communicate with clients and see the online status of your clients. This feature ensures seamless and instant communication with your clients, enhancing collaboration and customer satisfaction.

Chat with team members

Send direct messages to your team members using ZiphCRM's chat feature. You can create multiple conversations based on different topics, reducing waiting time for feedback and making project management faster and more efficient. Effective team communication is crucial for successful project execution.


Manage potential customers and track their status with ZiphCRM's lead management feature. You can easily collect leads from public estimate requests, add notes, files, and events, and seamlessly convert leads into customers while retaining all the existing information. This helps you streamline your sales process and effectively convert leads into valuable clients.

Support tickets

Enable your clients to create support tickets through ZiphCRM and receive notifications via the web and email. ZiphCRM can automatically generate tickets from customer emails, allowing you to efficiently manage customer support in one place. You can assign tickets to team members, reply to comments with attachments, and provide timely and effective support to your clients.


Track all your expenses using ZiphCRM and gain a comprehensive overview of project and team member costs. You can check expenses across different categories, compare income versus expenses, and visualize income and expenses through charts for different time periods. This feature helps you monitor your financials and make informed decisions.

Knowledge base

Create knowledge base articles for your clients using ZiphCRM and efficiently manage customer support. You can create different categories for the knowledge base, allowing your clients to find solutions to common problems without the need for direct support. This feature promotes self-service and empowers your clients.

Help articles

Create an internal knowledge base for your team members using ZiphCRM. You can add different articles for various rules and information, ensuring that your team has easy access to important resources. Help articles are accessible only to team members, enabling efficient knowledge sharing and problem-solving within your organization.

Team management

Efficiently manage your team members with ZiphCRM. You can add team members, assign different roles, and manage their accounts. ZiphCRM provides an overall view of team member information, and each team member can access their dashboard based on their permissions. This feature enhances collaboration and coordination within your team.

Event calendar

Create your personal events list and share events with your team members and clients using ZiphCRM's event calendar. You can create and manage your personal events, as well as share them with others for better coordination. ZiphCRM also allows you to integrate with Google Calendar, ensuring that you stay synced and have a clear overview of upcoming events. This feature facilitates effective scheduling and ensures everyone stays informed.


Store your private notes and attach files using ZiphCRM. You can create personal notes for your own reference and easily find them by adding useful tags. Additionally, you can create public notes for projects, allowing project members to access and collaborate on important information.


Create announcements for your team members and clients through ZiphCRM's announcement feature. You can publish announcements on their dashboards, ensuring important notices and updates are easily communicated to everyone. This feature promotes efficient communication and keeps everyone informed.


Share ideas, documents, and essential links with your team members using ZiphCRM's timeline feature. You can collaborate and improve your team's growth by sharing relevant information and fostering innovation and productivity.

Time cards

Manage your team members' attendance and track their working hours with ZiphCRM's time cards. You can set IP restrictions for time card access, ensuring that team members can only log their time from within the office. This feature provides accurate time tracking and helps in managing productivity.


Efficiently manage your team members' leave applications with ZiphCRM. You can track the total number of leaves taken by each team member, add different leave categories, and approve or reject leave applications. Additionally, you can set supervisors for different teams or team members, ensuring smooth leave management within your organization.

Personal todo list

Create your personal to-do list and manage your work more efficiently with ZiphCRM. You can prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and ensure that no important task is forgotten. Team members and clients can also add their personal to-do lists, enabling effective task management for individuals.


Stay updated with important actions and events through ZiphCRM's notification system. You will receive notifications for task creations, comments, support tickets, messages, and more. You can customize your notification preferences and choose to receive notifications within the application or via email. This feature keeps you informed and allows you to stay on top of your work.

Push notifications

Receive real-time notifications in your browser through ZiphCRM's push notification feature. You will instantly receive notifications even if you're not actively using the application, ensuring you never miss any important updates or tasks.


Add an extra layer of security to your ZiphCRM account by integrating Google reCaptcha into all login forms. This helps protect your account from unauthorized access and enhances the overall security of your data.

Integrate Google Drive

Seamlessly integrate Google Drive with ZiphCRM as an alternative storage option. All files uploaded within the application will be stored in your Google Drive, providing a reliable and scalable storage solution.

Multiple dashboards

Customize your workspace in ZiphCustomize your workspace in ZiphCRM by adding multiple dashboards with a variety of predefined widgets. With ZiphCRM, you can design your own dashboard layout using drag and drop functionality. Additionally, you can include custom widgets and even embed third-party widgets like weather widgets. This feature allows you to create personalized dashboards tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Feature customization

Enable or disable modules in ZiphCRM according to your requirements. With numerous features available, you can easily customize the CRM by enabling or disabling specific functionalities. This flexibility ensures that you only utilize the features that are relevant to your business processes, optimizing your workflow and enhancing efficiency.

Activity logs

Stay informed about your team members' activities in different projects through ZiphCRM's activity logs. You can monitor everything your team members are doing and stay up to date with their progress and contributions. This feature provides valuable insights and promotes transparency and accountability within your team.

Custom email templates

Personalize your email communication with ZiphCRM's custom email templates. You can update and modify the pre-designed email templates to match your branding and add your own content. Whether it's for sending estimates, invoices, or general correspondence, you can ensure a consistent and professional look for your emails.

Custom fields

Add custom fields to various entities in ZiphCRM, including clients, contacts, leads, projects, tasks, team members, tickets, invoices, events, expenses, and estimates. This allows you to store additional information specific to your business needs and tailor ZiphCRM to your unique requirements.

Custom style

Customize the design of ZiphCRM by adding your own custom CSS. You can change the color patterns or create your own color scheme to match your brand's identity. This feature allows you to create a visually appealing and cohesive user experience within the CRM.

These customizable features in ZiphCRM enable you to tailor the CRM according to your specific needs, preferences, and branding, enhancing your overall user experience and improving efficiency in managing your business processes.

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